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Asterisk name and location lookup AGI Daemon

Display name or location ('Lc') of caller on your IP / VoIP or soft SIP phones;

Location of caller displayed on VoIP phone


AGID lookup Flow

This software is highly experimental and not thoroughly tested. The same applies to the install script.
The install script should support both SysV / Insserv and Systemd. Please make sure that this is indeed the case.
Furthermore all of this is very Debian Linux oriented. You may need to change stuff for other distributions.
If you feel I should change something, please let me know.
Current version of tar: 2024-10-14 09:31:04 UTC


This document mainly contains information about how namelookup.agid is different from namelookup.agi. So it's probably a good idea to read the namelookup.agi documentation first.
You need the utils that come with namelookup.agi. You should at least compile (with make wide) and install agiconf and install the following man pages: 'agiconf.1', 'agi-nameblock.db.5', 'agi-namelookup.conf.5', 'confagi.conf.5' and 'weblookup.conf.5'.
You also need the compact numbers, areas and regions databases.





Namelookup.agid options;

namelookup.agid [-a] [-c confdir] [-d] [-h] [-n threads] [-p port] [-u user] [-v]

Automatic ACL.
Finds all interfaces on this host. Allows access from all LOCAL networks connected to those interfaces.
Note: Interfaces that aren't up when namelookup.agid is started are not added to this ACL.
Note: use of the '-a' option disables use of the ACL file.
Alternate configuration directory.
Look in this directory for config files and databases.
With this set it will change to this directory and write the pid file and log file to this directory. This can be handy for debug purposes.
Enable debug.
See '-c' option.
Print help and exit.
-n Number of threads
2 to 1024.
Set this one or two higher then the maximum number of simultaneously incoming telephone calls.
Default: 16
-p Port number
Port to listen on.
1024 to 65535.
Default: 4573
If you are already using FastAGI for something else, set this to an other unused port number. For instance 4574.
-u User
This also sets the group.
Note: When you use the numeric UID instead of the user's name, the software will assume the GID to be identical to the UID. This is not necessary the case. It is therefore recommended to use the user's name instead of the UID. The software will then look up the user's group and GID.
Print version and exit.

Download and install

Note: The install script creates user and group 'namelookup'.
Note: You may need to edit '/etc/default/namelookup-agid' before startup.